Object schemas

Schemas define a structure of object fields and allowed values associated with a specific object type. Schemas are specified as JSON Schema data structures.

For instance, a very simple schema to store a person object could look something like this (in YAML code):

# Schema for an object of type 'person'

$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema"
type: object
additionalProperties: false
required: ['person_id', 'name', ]

_zoo_primarykey: 'person_id'


  # every person entry must have a unique id which will never change.
    type: string
    pattern: '^[a-z0-9_.-]+$'

    type: string
    _flm: standalone

    type: string
    _flm: full

Data types and values validation

The schema should conform to standard JSON schema. You can specify allowed fields, allowed value types, allowed patterns for strings, etc.

Primary key field

You can specify which field of the object should be used as the object’s unique identifier (“primary key”). Set the global schema field _zoodb_primarykey: to the name of the field you’d like to use as unique identifier.

Autopopulated fields

Some fields are meant to be populated automatically by some database processor. You can mark such fields with _auto_populated: true. In this case, no data is expected to be provided when loading the object raw data.

BUG/FIXME: Enforce no values in _auto_populated fields at validation time!!

FLM content strings

String values can be marked to be parsed as Flexible Latex-like Markup (FLM) content. Use the schema field _flm: to indicate that this is the case.

The database processor FLMSimpleContentCompiler() (which can be installed via a ZooFLMProcessor() instance) will then detect which fields are FLM markup and compile them accordingly into FLM fragment objects.

If the field _flm: is absent, if _flm: false, or if _flm: null, then FLM is not enabled.

If you set _flm: true or _flm: ‘full’, then full FLM parsing is available, including code that might pin down labels and make use of cross-references.

If you set _flm: ‘standalone’, then only standalone-mode FLM code is accepted. See FLM’s documentation for standalone mode.

You can also specify whether or not to enable FLM parsing and whether or not to enable standalone mode parsing by specifying an object:

  enabled: true|false
  standalone: true|false

Relationships to other objects

An important feature of zoos is that they specify relationships between objects. E.g., which error-correcting codes are special cases of which other error-correcting codes is an important relationship feature in the Error Correction Zoo.

You can specify relationships between objects with a global _zoo_relations: field. Relationship information specified here will be picked up by the RelationsPopulator() database processor. The processor will then turn field references by identifier into actual object references to the relevant objects. The processor can also place backreferences where required, etc.

The global _zoo_relations: field should be a list of objects, each describing a relationship. Each is referred to as a relation specification object. For example:

# schema

  - object_field: 'relations.parents'
    to_object_type: 'person'
    relation_primary_key_field: 'person_id'
    relation_add_object_field: 'person'
      field: 'relations.children'

  [ ... more relation specification objects can be added here ... ]



    type: object
    additionalProperties: false

        type: array
          type: object
          required: ['person_id']
          additionalProperties: false
              _single_line_string: True
              type: string

      # automatically populated field, don't specify value manually:
        _auto_populated: true
        type: array
          type: object

The code above specifies that the field relations.parents is a reference to another person object specified in a field relations.parents[].person_id. The relations.parents object will be extended to include a field person with a reference to the corresponding person object. Furthermore, the field relations.children on the target object will be a list of backreferences; each will be a copy of the relationship object (relations.parents[]) but with the parent_id and parent fields set to the referring object.

See the documentation for the RelationsPopulator() database processor for how to specify relationships with relation spec objects.

Additional annotations intended for editors

The field _description: <string> is intented to convey a meaningful description of the contents that should be provided in this field.

For string values, the field _single_line_string: <boolean> should provide an indication as to whether the value is expected to hold on a single line (e.g., an identifier, or a short description), or if it is a block of text that can span multiple lines. This field does not contribute to validation of the field value. A GUI editor should however inspect this field and provide a correspondingly appropriate edit widget.