Setting up a “Standard” ZooDb

Using the ZooDb class interface directly is relatively tedious, so I’ve regrouped together some common options and initialization tasks into some standard presets.

To set up a simple “standard zoo,” you can find inspiration from the following boilerplate code:

import fs from 'fs';

import loMerge from 'lodash/merge.js';

import { ZooDb, ZooDbDataLoaderHandler } from '@phfaist/zoodb';

import { makeStandardZooDb } from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/stdzoodb';

import {
} from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/use_relations_populator';
import {
} from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/use_gitlastmodified_processor';
import {
} from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/use_flm_environment';
import {
} from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/use_flm_processor';
import {
} from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/use_searchable_text_processor';

import { makeStandardYamlDbDataLoader } from '@phfaist/zoodb/std/stdyamldbdataloader';

const csl_filename = .... // path to CSL citation formatting style to use
const schemas_root_path = .... // path to folder that contains the 'schemas' folder

// We can define a custom `MyFancyZooDb` object that can add additional
// properties to perform validation checks and/or to access zoo contents, etc.
export class MyFancyZooDb extends ZooDb

    // Perform any necessary zoo database validation
    async validate()
        // ...

    // You can add here any functions that might be helpful to access computed
    // properties of objects in the zoo.

    // a simple example of such a function--
        let foobar_objects_db = this.objects.foobar;
        return Object.keys(foobar_objects_db).length;


export async function createMyFancyZooDb(config={}, { schema_root })
    schema_root ??= schemas_root_path;

    const csl_style =
        await fs.promises.readFile( csl_filename, { encoding: 'utf-8', }, );

    config = loMerge({

        ZooDbClass: MyFancyZooDb,


        fs_data_dir: ...., // Set the path where to find the database data!

        // Enable the following standard features.  To disable (i.e., not
        // enable) any of these features, provide the value `null`: e.g.,
        // " use_flm_processor: null, ... ".

        // Specify options for FLM text content:
        flm_options: {

            refs:  {
                // Specify how to refer to a given object (by its "name" or
                // "title" or whatever object property you like)
                myfancyobject: {
                        (object_id, object) => object.mynameproperty,

            citations: {
                // CSL citation formatting style to use:
                csl_style: csl_style,

                // YAML or JSON file manually specifying DOIs for arXiv
                // identifiers to fix some broken arXiv entries:

                // Bibliography files where to find predefined citation
                // entries.  Files are JSON/CSL or YAML/CSL.
                preset_bibliography_files: [

                // User agent to use when querying remote citation information
                // (e.g. on the API):
                default_user_agent: null,

            resources: {
                // "null" means to use defaults
                rename_figure_template: null,
                figure_filename_extensions: null,
                graphics_resources_fs_data_dir: null,


        searchable_text_options: {
            // which DB object types to search
            object_types: ['myfancyobject',....]

        zoo_permalinks: {
            // Specify the website URL locations where a given object, specified
            // by its type and ID, is to be found
                (object_type, object_id) => `/${object_type}/${object_id}`,
                (graphics_resource) => `/fig/${graphics_resource.src_url}`,

        // Specify where to find our object schemas
        schemas: {
            schema_root: schema_root,
            schema_rel_path: 'schemas/',
            schema_add_extension: '.yml',

        // Specify which schemas to load.  Not necessary if you want to load
        // all .yml files in the schema_root (as long as it's a filesystem
        // folder)
        //schema_names: [ 'myfancyobject', ]

    }, config);

    return await makeStandardZooDb(config);

// -----------------

export async function createMyFancyYamlDbDataLoader(zoodb)
    let config = {
        // Specify object types & where to find the corresponding data.
        // Data file paths are relative to the StandardZooDb's
        // `fs_data_dir` config property.
        objects: {
            myfancyobject: {
                schema_name: 'myfancyobject',
                data_src_path: 'myfancyobjects/',


    return await makeStandardYamlDbDataLoader(config);

// -----------------

// A convenience function to do everything necessary to load the zoo.
export async function load_my_fancy_zoo_db()
    const zoodb = await createMyFancyZooDb();
    const loader = await createMyFancyYamlDbDataLoader(zoodb);

    const loader_handler = new ZooDbDataLoaderHandler(
            //throw_reload_errors: true,

    await zoodb.load();

    return zoodb;

Also, check out our simple example which we provide in a separate repo (see An example).